Join us for a stimulating e-seminar scheduled on March 12, 2024, at 9:30 am (Brussels Time).
This session, convened by Dr. Anne WALLACE (La Trobe University, Australia), will be an insightful exploration of the “European Small Claims Procedure and the Scan2 Project,” with Marco Giacalone, Research Professor and Co-Director of the DIKE Research Group (Digitalisation and Access to Justice) at Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB). Zoom Link: Join Here https://shorturl.at/bkBJR
Open to Everyone Interested! Feel free to share the attached flyer within your networks. Non-members are encouraged to register at organiser@jar-association.eu to receive the Zoom link.
Save the date, mark your calendars, and let’s make this e-seminar a collaborative and insightful experience!

We extend our deepest gratitude to all the incredible speakers and participants who made the “Final Conference SCAN II Project” a resounding success on the 22nd and 23rd of February 2024 in Brussels.
Among the numerous, Kim Van der BorghtPaul NemitzRimantas Simaitis, MCIArbDr Milda MarkevičiūtėTatjana JosipovicThomas HoffmannPaola Giacalone @Marco Rovera Paola PendenzaMaria DymitrukAlina OntanuFrancesca MeddaAnnapaola VotoNicolas KyriakidesMichele Angelo LupoiFulvio Maria PalombinoStefaan VoetPietro OrtolaniMarco FarinaAlan UzelacMagdalena Jankowska-GilbergRhonson SalimElena D’AlessandroTatjana Zoroska KamilovskaDaša TičarLana GotvanClémence DossierGioia ArnoneSeun Lari-WilliamsJachin Van DoninckGina GioiaSajedeh Salehi …and many more!
Your insights, expertise, and enthusiasm have truly enriched the discussions and contributed to the success of this academic gathering.
A special shout-out to Professor Marco Giacalone for orchestrating this remarkable event. His dedication and commitment to advancing in the field have left an indelible mark

To everyone who connected, engaged, and shared their wisdom, thank you for making this conference an unparalleled experience in the digitalization of justice.
Your presence and contributions are deeply appreciated.
Let’s continue to collaborate, innovate, and pave the way for a future where justice and technology intersect seamlessly.
Looking forward to the next chapter of our academic journey!
We’re thrilled to announce the Final Conference of the SCAN II Project!
Join us as we culminate our journey with groundbreaking discussions and insights. This event marks the possibility to ensure consumer’s access to justice to small claims proceedings thorugh an innovative digital platform.
Date: 22nd and 23rd February 2024
Location: Brussels. European Committee of the Regions, Rue Belliard 101; Hoek 38, Rue de Louvain 38.
Enrollment: Attendance is free, but registration is required. Secure your spot today at https://forms.gle/QN8xFBXb4BKptg9w5
Can’t make it in person? Follow the event live via our livestream and be part of the experience from wherever you are in the world.
We’re excited to feature an incredible lineup of speakers, including Kim Van der Borght, Paul Nemitz, Rimantas Simaitis, Milda Markevičiūtė, Tatjana Josipovic, Thomas Hoffmann, Paola Giacalone, Stefano Menini, Nadia Mana, Paola Pendenza, Maria Dymitruk, Alina Ontanu, Francesca Medda, Annapaola Voto, Nicolas Kyriakides, Michele Angelo Lupoi, Fulvio Maria Palombino, Stefaan Voet, Pietro Ortolani, Marco Farina, Alan Uzelac, Magdalena Jankowska-Gilberg, Rhonson Salim, Elena D’Alessandro, Tatjana Zoroska Kamilovska, Daša Tičar, Lana Gotvan, Clémence Dossier, Gioia Arnone, Seun Lari-Williams, Jachin Van Doninck, Gina Gioia, Sajedeh Salehi, Marco Giacalone… and many more!
This is an unparalleled opportunity to engage with experts and enthusiasts alike, share knowledge, and network with leaders in the field.
Don’t miss out on this pivotal moment in the digitalization of justice. Let’s celebrate the achievements of the SCAN II project together and look forward to the future it paves the way for.
#SCANII #FinalConference #Innovation #Technology #Networking #Livestream
The DIgitalisation and aCCEss to justice (DIKE) research group at Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) and the entire SCAN2 Consortium cordially invite you to the SCAN2 Final Conference. During this event, we will present the final findings and the results of the SCAN2 project and delve into relevant topics to small claims procedures, consumer online dispute resolution, etc.
This international event specifically aims to bring together international academics, practitioners, doctoral students, and citizens on a global scale creating a supranational forum. Our goal is to facilitate discussions on the latest legal developments pertaining to existing legal remedies for small claims dispute resolution models for consumers within the European Union.
Please kindly note that, participation at the Conference is free (no registration fee). However, the participants are expected to register online in advance and cover the costs of their travel and accommodation. Due to limited capacity of Conference room, participants will be admitted on first come (first registered) basis. The successful online registration shall be regarded as confirmation of admission. Online registration will be stopped when the capacity limit is reached.
Looking for more information?
For any inquiries about this event, you can contact the Conference Liaisons Sajedeh Salehi at seyedeh.sajedeh.salehi@vub.be and Paola Giacalone at paola.giacalone@vub.be.
Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) and the entire SCAN2 Consortium are pleased to announce the opening of a call for papers to be presented at the final conference of the Small Claims Analysis Net 2 (SCAN2) project on the European Small Claims Procedure that will take place on 22nd and 23rd February 2023 in Brussels, Belgium.
Place: TBC
The SCAN2 final conference:
The two main pillars of the SCAN2 final conference will be first, to present the acquired research results of the SCAN2 project to the public, and second, to bring together international academics, practitioners, doctoral students, and citizens through organising a supranational forum aiming at discussing the latest legal developments on the existing legal remedies for the small claims models of dispute resolutions for consumers within the European Union.
Thus, research papers that contribute to the broad body of knowledge in legal analysis of the European models of small claims dispute resolution and online dispute resolution (ODR) will be considered for this conference. Special consideration will be made for the topics discussing the European Small Claims Procedure Regulation 861/2007 (as amended by Reg. 2015/2421); however, we also
encourage authors, in particular the early-career researchers, to present their academic contributions to the Conference and receive fruitful feedback from the panels upon their presentations at the event. The main Conference themes cover the following areas, including but not exclusive to:
- small claims remedies for consumers;
- online dispute resolution for small claims;
- cross-border justice for consumers;
- small claims judgment and enforcement challenges;
- consumer privacy and data protection in using technology for resolving small claims;
- the connection between the Brussels Ia Regulation and the Regulations on the European Enforcement Order, the European Small Claims Procedure, the European Payment Order and the European Account Preservation Order and their implementation in national procedural law;
- best national and supranational practices of national small claims proceedings;
- digitalisation of small claims proceedings;
- different fora for the initiation of the small claims proceedings.
- relationship between the Digital Service Act and ODR for consumers
- the future of consumer ODR
- the revision of the new ADR directive and small claims
The submission must respect the following envisaged timeline:
21 January 2024 – deadline for abstracts – c.a. 500 words – (1st stage)
28 January 2024 – notification of abstract acceptance
22-23 February 2024 – Paper presentations at the Conference
31 March 2024 – deadline for final submissions (2nd stage)
30 April 2024 – notification of acceptance after double-blind peer-review process
30 June 2024 – papers get published in an edited book in the following series: the Italian-Spanish Journal of Procedure Law (RIEDP – Revista Italo espanola de derecho procesal).
Background to the SCAN2 project:
The SCAN2 project was originally designed to analyze the effectiveness of the European Small Claims Procedure Regulation 861/2007 (as amended by Reg. 2015/2421) through providing a platform for this legislative instrument to highlight the added value of the ESCP. For more information on the SCAN2 Project visit: https://scan2.vub.be/
Information for the authors
- Submissions are made in a two-stage procedure:
- in the 1st stage, abstracts (ca. 500 words) will be evaluated by the Editors to assess their quality and suitability to the overall project;
- in the 2nd stage, full submissions will undergo a double, blind peer-review process by appointed, external, anonymous reviewers.
- Full contributions should normally be between 6,000 – 10,000 words; contributions of both shorter and higher word length may also be submitted, subject to negotiation with the editors.
- Upon accepting and presenting the paper to the Conference, the participants will receive the certificate of presentation by the Conference Chair.
- Submissions should be made anonymously in English and sent via Easy Chair. (Click here)
- The best paper will be awarded a prize of 500,00 EUR. The Prize will be awarded for the best paper submitted to the conference after accepting the abstract. Co-authored articles will divide the prize.
- For any specific academic inquiries, you may contact the Conference Chair, Prof. Marco Giacalone at Marco.Giacalone@vub.be
- For any other inquiries, you can contact the Conference Liaison Ms. Sajedeh Salehi at seyedeh.sajedeh.salehi@vub.be and Ms. Paola Giacalone at: paola.giacalone@vub.be
Notice: The content of this Conference represents the views of the Organisers and speakers only and remains their sole responsibility. The European Commission does not accept any responsibility for the use that may be made of the information it contains.
DIKE team has just published on SCAN II website https://scan2.vub.be the ‘Comparative and Analytical Study of Best Practices’ for the National Enforcement Rules of the ESCP Judgments in Member States.
The main objective of this report is to gain profound insights as to national enforcement rules of the ESCP judgements in the 26 EU Member States. The collected data by the SCAN II Consortium is used to conduct the Comparative and Analytical Study to identify the best practices in ESCP judgments enforcement procedures, supporting the Roadmap for EU Enforcement Rules on ESCP Judgments.
Within the scope of the Comparative and Analytical Study, the Consortium verifies the use of the ESCP procedure; its enforcement and identifies the types of issues encountered at enforcement level; compares national experiences and checks whether the application of the ESCP enforcement rules is uniform throughout the EU. Besides, the comprehensive, systematic, and beneficial Roadmap of the ESCP enforcement rules of the 26 Member States is created for end-users (i.e., consumers and SMEs) and categories of stakeholders involved in the ESCP enforcement procedures at national levels.
A special thanks goes to Marco Giacalone, Project Coordinator of the SCAN II project, together with Paola Giacalone and Sajedeh Salehi (Vrije Universiteit Brussel), the Vilniaus Universitetas team, who led this deliverable (Rimantas Simaitis, Vigita Vebraite and Milda Markeviciute) and the entire Consortium for providing the relevant data.
#dike #researchgroup #accesstojustice #smallclaims #escp #digitalisation
#vub #WEAREVUB #Prec #SCAN2
DIKE, Accesstojustice, small claims, escp, digitalisation, SCAN2